Dear Followers :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Assalamualaikum ;)

Heyy boggy :D

rasa mcm berseri-seri takk blog aku harini ? ;)
Mira elliana told me she's bored with my blog . OMG , instead of I lose one loyal follower , it's better for me to change the layout to a new one kan ? hehehh

So mira , this is for you . hope u like it my dearest twinto ;)

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Assalamualaikum :)

I'm glad to say that now I'm sick . I'm not in a pink of health anymore , yet it has turn to grey in colour . haha . Yes , I got flu , my nose is hurt , I cough a lot till I can't sleep well , and now I think I begin to get fever . my body temperature is getting higher I believe .

Yes , I feel uncomfortable . I'm dizzy mizzy crazyyy . So that's all , thank you . Hope I'll get well soon . Amiin ~!

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

seronoknya jadi cikgu

Assalamualaikum :)

ENTRY KETIGA UNTUK HARI INI . korang nampak tak betapa bosannya aku ? -_____-

Tiba-tiba nak cerita pasal sorang ex-student aku nie . dia comel sgt , bole dikatakan favourite student aku lahh nie dulu . (tak bermaksud aku biased eh . aku sayang semua) cewahh :P haritu , dia add aku kat fb . sebelum nie dah friends dah . tapi oh okay , nie fb baru dia . taktahu la kenapa dia buat baru . ambboi , baru enam tahun dah ade dua fb eyy . teacher pun ade satu je tauuu HAHA :P

Apa yg aku nak cakap kat sini , mmg seronok jd seorang guru . wlaupun kite dah tak jd cikgu , tapi smpai bila-bila pun gelaran tu melekat kat kita . ohh , diorang tak panggil aku cikgu , diorang panggil aku teacher , teacher dayah . teeeheee modern sikit ;)

Tiba-tiba aku teringat masa mula-mula aku jd teacher kat sane . dulu aku ada tulis entry pasal nie , tapi rasanya dah delete kot . hmm . seronok . layan budak-budak mmg memerlukan kesabaran yg sgt tinggi . agaknye sbb tu lahh aku terlebih matang kot :P yup , jd cikgu mmg sgt dan teramat menguji kesabaran . banyak dugaan dia . tapi bila students sayang kita , rasa mcm heaven gila . best sgt . taktau nak ckp mcm mane perasaan tu . rasanya takde word yg bole describe perasaan tue .

Afraz . nie la nama student yg add aku tu . dia nie manja , anak last . comel sgt . hehe ingat lagi kitorang slalu usik dia kalau ibu dia terlewat jemput dia kat tadika ;) dia je satu-satunya student aku yg ada fb , ataupun dia je yg add aku . agaknye lahh . aku pun taktau . haritu dia online , dia IM aku . dia cakap dia baru balik dari transisi nak naik darjah satu . apa tuh ya ? ujian kan ? aku pun tanya lahh , next year tahun depan skola kat mana , mcm mane dgn ujian dia nak naik darjah satu tu semua . Alhamdulillah , cerdik anak murid aku nie . dia dapat fullmark utk ujian tu . semoga Afraz jadi pelajar yg cemerlang dunia akhirat :) amiiin ~

Dan aku rindu dorang semua . haritu aku terjumpa sarah kat pasar malam tmn skudai indah tue . hehe dia still ingat aku . dia nmpak aku je , dia senyum . ade la dua tiga kali terserempak (sbb pasar malam dia sumpah kecik gile) , nmpak muka yg sama je pun bole . haha mula-mula dah tegur kira ok lahh kan , kali kedua ketiga keempat terserempak , dah taktau nak buat ape . sengih je ahh . haha aku cepat-cepat ajak kakak aku balik . heee

Lepas tu kat jusco , aku nampak muiz (yg mcm muka zulkarnain) hehe . dia pun nampak mcm segan-segan je . mak dia pun tak kenal aku kot . so aku malas nak tegur dia , lari tempat lain je . nasib baik jusco besar . hehe :D aku awkward gile lahh kalau nak tegur parents , sbb sometimes dorang bukan kenal aku punn . kalau nak tegur parents yg dah biasa dgn aku ke , bole lahh takde masalah . hehe

Lepas tu pagi tadi aku pegy beli breakfast kat kafe noor , aku nampak faris pulakk masa aku tgh carik parking . hehe . yupp , aku rindu dorang semua . aku rindu nak main-main dgn dorang , rindu nak gurau-gurau dgn dorang . rindu kenakalan dorang , rindu manja dorang . errrghhh ! (aah , aku mmg takreti marah dan jd garang kat dorang . minta maaf . kalo nak marah pun , aku kena mntk tlg teacher lain marahkan . unless aku betul2 marah , baru la aku bole garang SIKIT . haha) it is a fact , oke :P

Pictures dorang ade lagi dlm phone aku . yg aku sempat snap je lahh . kadang-kadang bila aku rindu sgt , aku tgk muka dorang . aku ada record aishah dgn iman nyanyi lagu "hujan turun" , so aku dapat lahh aku dgr suara dorang . ahaks sebak gilaa ==

Dah la , sebelum aku leleh kat sini , baik aku stop dulu . Taaa take care awk semua ;)

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Feelings of Doubt

Assalamualaikum -_-

Nie entry kedua aku utk harini . Sorry , tapi aku rasa aku perlu tuliskan benda nie .
Aku berfikir . aku berfikir . dan aku berfikir lagi . tentang itu . tentangnya , dan semua tentangnya . tapi still , aku takde jawapan . sikit klu pun takde .

Ada byk sangat question marks yg besar dalam kepala otak aku nie . tapi aku slalu takde kesempatan nak tanya . those questions buat aku rasa doubt kat apa yg aku tgh rasa nie . Yup , I got to turn to Allah , The Almighty . I back up everything on HIM . All I can do is hoping that HE will show me all the truths . maybe it takes time , but it's okay , I'll be patient . for the sake of the truths . "O Ya Allah , please open my eyes to the right path , the right way which is best for me . Please , don't let me go astray . I seek refuge from Satan . Amiiin ~"

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

the things

Assalamualaikum :)

Weeehaa ! (apa tu? :P)

14 days .
Sekarang nie , kerja aku countdown sahaja , tunggu hari di mana result exam keluar ! only fourteen days left to 10 dec 2010 -_- Aha , I don't feel any feeling of nervousness yet . NOT YET , ok . The beautiful , colourful butterflies are on their way to my stomach , I believe . They told me tat they're in 'Negeri di bawah bayu' . bhahaha :P OK I AM KIDDING .

Kawan-kawan , remember I told u I want to learn cooking ? Ehehh once again , in my dream :P kenapa ey ? sebab .. sebab .. sebab aku malas kot . hehe . kalau mama masak , aku tolong benda2 basic je . tak tgk pun mama masak -__- minta maaf ya ?

DIET ? Aha , this one aku take it seriously . Yupp I'm on diet . seriously I am . I DO NOT kid youu . trust me . I'm trying my best not to eat everytime I feel like eating . Jihad nafsu nie . ahaks :P Tapi ada jugakk kadang-kadang aku tak tahan , aku bosan , aku makan jua . Teeehee . Tapi aku rasa mcm suda ada sikit perubahan nie . Amiin ~ :D
Ohh ya , here , I want to say sorry to Paie and Marina , for I refused to eat with you both the day we went out . Hmm , rasa mcm kesian pulakk bila dorang ajak makan aku taknakk kan . hbs tu mcm mane ya ? aku tgh diet nie == aku rasa aku annoying ==

Till then , tata ~! :)

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010


KAWAN . one word , a very simple one , lima huruf je . tapi ade banyaaaak sangat-sangat banyaaaak cerita yg tersimpan kan ? kawan makan kawan ? bercinta dengan kawan ? ape lagi ? cakap je , mesti ada punya lahh .

Hmm , susahnye aku nak buat entry pasal kawan nie . patut lahh cikgu aku cakap kalau buat esei , jgn pilih tajuk yg ada one word je . hehe . cuba kalau bg aku tajuk " mcm mana nak jadi kawan yg baik" ke "mcm mana nak makan kawan ? guna mulut atau guna pisau?" ke , haa senang la sikit kann . yupp , KAWAN is too general for me to speak out . it must take a lot of my time to finish up this entry -_-

Okay la , biar aku cerita je about life aku dgn KAWAN nie eyy .

Sejak aku kecil , aku ade ramai kawan . Hmm , tapi mntak maaf , aku tak rasa aku ade kawan tadika . sebab aku tak pegy tadika dulu masa kecil . teeehee :D aku mula berkawan dekat rumah . kawan dengan kakak-kakak , abang-abang . main masak-masak . eh ada ke ? aku tak ingat sangat lahh . ehe . bila ade adik-adik , aku main cikgu-cikgu , main mak-mak , main kakak-kakak , main basikal , main badminton . ape2 je lahh , asal bole je . kalau aku listkan semua , takut jari aku tinggal empat je nanti :P
siblings aku je aku rasa dah cukup nk buat kawan . yup , siblings aku mmg ramai . rasa dah complete dah .

Bila aku tujuh tahun , aku KENA pegy skola rendah . sekali lagi , KENA PEGY SKOLA . masa tu 1999 lahh kan . kat situ aku blaja lagi mcm mane nak berkawan . aku ingat lg , mmg perangai aku buruk sgt mase tu , aku taknak g skola . asal nak g skola je , aku mesti nanges . sampai ayah dgn mama paksa aku , tarik aku masuk kelas . dalam kelas pun aku nanges lg , cikgu yg pujuk aku . hehe . bila ingat balik , malu gile sehhh == aku tak ingat siape kawan2 sekelas aku mase tu , harap2 diorang pun tak ingat aku nangis2 . aahaha :P benda nie jadi lamaaa sgt , smpai aku biasa pegy skola . tak ingat la bila . masa aku darjah satu ke , tahun depannya ke , tahun depan depannya lagi ke . hahaha :P tuh la akibatnya tak g tadika , tak blaja bersosial dr kecil . aku blaja dgn mama je kat uma , blaja membaca , blaja mengira , tapi tuh la , aku tak berkawan dgn org luar . ehhe . honestly aku cakap , smpai darjah enam pun , aku slalu ponteng skola . hakhak . mntak maaf , cikgu . seriously i am -_- aku taktau la kenape aku tak minat langsung nak blaja . cehhh :P tapi alhamdulillah , UPSR aku mmg aku tak percaya langsung , rezeki aku kot , aku dapat 5A .

Kat skola rendah aku nie la , aku kenal kawan2 baru . faezah , mira elliana , anis zahirah , siti nur afiqah , shikin , tasnim , blablabla ~ ramaai sangat . mntk maaf aku tak listkan nama korang semua , ramai sgt . kalau bole aku nak listkan nama satu skola , tapi aku tak larat . hehe :) yup , memang aku blaja byk benda bile berkawan . org dengki kita , org sayang kita . masa tu biase la budak-budak , tak matang lagi . aku taksuke sorang budak nie sbb dia kutuk aku , tapi kutuk kat bestfriend aku ! sengalnyaa -_- tapi skg dah ok dah , masing-masing dah besar . entah2 budak tu pun dah lupa dia kutuk aku dulu . hahaha :P

Kat skola agama pun aku berkawan jugakk . entahla tak ingat sgt siape kawan-kawan kat sane . hehe sorry :P aku jadi pengawas sehh kat sane . haha mcm tak percaye lak . padahal skola agama pun aku slalu ponteng gak :P tapi aku ingat lg , aku slalu lepak kat rumah mira elliana . main solek2 la , ape benda entah . ahha . klaka mase tu . dah la muke aku seriously ugly , comot dan segala mcm lg . ahaks :P budak-budak zaman dulu :P skg nie mane ade lg , lepak-lepak pegy dating lahh ape lahh . tak seronok lg dahh .


Bila naik skola menengah , aku taknak g jauh2 . taknak duduk asrama . heheheh :P (mesti korang nak kutuk aku kann ? ahaha)
so aku pun pegy smktun je , sama dgn skola kakak aku . kat sini aku kenal lagi kawan-kawan lain . kawan2 skola rendah ada yg sama skola dgn aku , ada yg dah masuk asrama . dah pecah-pecah dahh . kat skola baru nie , aku kenal dgn nazihah , izyana , tati , shameera , blablabla~ hehe . masa form 2 , aku nakal . ponteng skola tu dah tak sgt lahh . tapi masa form 2 , aku satu geng suke masuk lmbat kat kelas a.k.a ponteng kelas . haha especially time subjek bm , hari rabu kot tak silap aku . haha . lepas tu , time sejarah slalu kena duduk luar kelas sbb tak siap homework . ahah . sampai satu masa tu , ckgu bm dah tak tahan kot ngan kitorang , dia g report kat cikgu disiplin . aha satu geng kena panggil g bilik disiplin . kena masuk kad merah . hahahah . itu je satu-satunya item yg ada kat kad salahlaku aku . dah la cikgu disiplin kenal ayah aku , abg aku , kakak aku . aha malunyaaaa == sorryyyyy again ==

Masa form 3 kot , aku kenal satu kawan baru . dia pindah masuk skola aku tu , sama kelas . dia baik sgt masa tu . tapi rupanya dia tipu kitorang , kawan-kawan dia . maybe dia rasa kalau dia ckp siape dia yg sbenar , kitorang takbole terima kot . tapi kitorang lg la takbole terima dia tipu kitorang . bila dah kantoi , mcm nie la jadinya . bile kitorang nasihatkan dia utk berubah , dia buat pekak badak je . hmm so kitorang pun biarkan dia dgn cara yg dia nak -___-
sekarang ? bole la , biasa-biasa je . dah lama tak tegur dia . smoga dia bahagia dlm hidup dia .

Pastu ada lagi gado-gado , hmm dgn bestfriend sendiri , taktau la mcm mane bole gado . salah faham . sedih sgt masa tu . alhamdulillah skg dah ok . maafkan aku , harap kau tak simpan dlm hati lg . hmm :(

Bila masuk form 5 , aku kenal sorang lg kawan baru . marina izzati . yup , she's my bestfriend :) masa dia mula-mula masuk , sbelah aku je ada kosong , wlaupun aku duduk depan skali . HAHA pelik tak ? :P so dia la yg memenuhi kekosongan itu . cewahh . ingat lg masa dia msuk , time tu tgh subjek LK (lukisan kejuruteraan) . aku bab-bab LK nie mmg slow sgt . mmg aku takreti . kebetulan dia pulakk terror LK . haha so mula-mula duduk je , dia dah kena ajar aku LK , topik perspective . kan marina ? awal-awal aku dah ckp "sorry la , kite nie slow sikit . sabar eh ? " ahaha sedar diri takk aku ? :P so since that , kitorang pegy mana-mana same2 . we are bestfriends , dgn faezah sorang lagi (yup , faezah skola rendah tu ;D) , till now , and forever , insyaAllah .

Habis SPM , skali lagi aku dgn kawan-kawan berpecah . takde satu pun bestfriend aku yg sama tempat ngan aku -_-masing2 bawak diri , teruskan perjuangan . aku tercampak jauh kat UiTM Larkin , JB . hehehe :P Sebelum masuk sane , kepala otak aku serabut fikirkan pasal kawan-kawan baru yg aku akan jumpe . aku tak penah sepening tu . yelahh , first time nak duduk sama-sama dgn org yg aku tak kenal utk satu jangka masa yg panjang kan . seriously i was so dizzy == first day aku masuk sana , aku memang blur . aku tak kenal sape pun . kecuali diba (yg aku baru tau mase tu dia sama tempat ngan aku) hehe .

Sampai-sampai je , aku amik nombor bilik kat kakak PM , kak fatin masa tu kalau tak silap . Alright , aku dapat bilik kat tingkat 4 hujung skali . sekian terima kasih . tapi takpe la , agaknya dah memang rezeki aku kat sane . mmg aku tak penah menyesal dpt bilik A401 . kenapa ? mestilahh sbb kawan-kawan :) yana , eka , tika , norul , im , madie , mira kaka , sukma , kakak , erni , shahira walaupun dah pindah == hmm . yupp masa MDS week mula-mula mmg aku takbole masuk sgt dgn dorang sume . biase la , nak rapat amik masa sikit . lagi-lagi dgn yana && eka , rasa mcm susah sikit nak masuk sbb dorang nmpak dah rapat sgt mcm dah kenal lama , so aku takreti nak interframe . HAHA :P Alhamdulillah everything goes well , very well . aku pulakk yg mcm terlebih rapat dgn yana . erkk HAHA :D

Kat universiti nie , laagi banyak jenis kawan aku kenal . yg mcm nie ada , yg mcm tu pun ada . alahh mcm pakcik tu cakap , "macam-macam adaaaaaa !" haa memang punn , mcm2 ada . si dia nie cerita lain , si dia nie cerita lain . last2 , aku pening , takpayah percaya sape2 . itu yg terbaik drpd prcaya kat org yg salah , kan ? ;)
hmm . kalau nak kecik hati ke , sakit hati ke , hal biase lahh . tapi memang la takbole nak simpan . lumrah hidup lah tu kan . takpayah simpan , sbb bagi aku , happy moments yg kita share sama-sama jauh lg banyak utk diseronokkan drpada nak sakit hati sbb satu benda yg kecik je . tak gitu ke ? ;)

Orang ckp betol2 bestfriend ada sorang je , tapi aku ada few bestfriends . ok je ? aku rasa dorang mmg bole jadi true friends aku . tats good kan ? :)

Kawan-kawan mmg ajar aku byk benda , dan byk rasa juga . tak mustahil kan org yg kita baru kenal , kite bole sayang ? berkawan ajar aku mcm mana rasa sayang , rasa simpati , rasa sedih , rasa sakit hati , memaafkan , tolak-ansur , tolong-menolong , tak pentingkan diri sendiri , && segala mcm jenis rasa dan sifat lahh . hmm . yupp seriously aku rindu semua kawan-kawan aku . semoga kita berjumpa lg nanti , dgn berbekalkan rasa kasih dan sayang yg menebal dlm diri masing-masing , dgn senyuman yg paling ikhlas :) aku sayang korang semua , kawan-kawan aku .



nurul hidayah binti khairudin

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

kalau , kalau , kalau

Assalamualaikum :)


Heeee :D orang ckp , dalam hidup nie jangan ade perkataan "kalau" sebab tak elok . kenapa yaa ?
benda nie buat aku terfikir . so aku search punya search kat google , and then ternampak satu blog sorang mamat nie . sorry ya , nak pinjam kejap . sharing is caring kan ? teehee :D

Sebenarnya , perkataan kalau nie hanya bole digunakan pada masa-masa yg tertentu je . dan ade masa lain pulakk , perkataan tu dilarang oleh syarak utk digunakan . pelik ? tapi mmg itu la kenyataannya .

Alright , bila masa kita takbole guna perkataan 'kalau' tu ?

Penggunaan perkataan KALAU yg dilarang ialah: apabila berlaku sesuatu yg buruk atau nasib malang bagi seseorang, lalu dia pun berkata: “Kalau aku tak buat, takkan jadi macam ni…”, dan seumpamanya.

kenapa mcm tu ?

penggunaan kalau seperti ini adalah amalan syaitan, sebagaimana dalam hadis sahih muslim menyebut: Nabi bersabda: “Jangan kamu berkata: Kalau aku buat begini, akan jadi begini. Tetapi katakanlah: ini takdir Allah, apa yg dia kehendaki akan berlaku. sesungguhnya ‘kalau’ membuka pintu syaitan.”
kenapa ‘kalau’ membuka pintu syaitan?
1) ia membuka pintu kesedihan, penyesalan, dan mungkin kebencian yg payah untuk dihilangkan.
2) ia merupakan satu adab yg buruk terhadap ALlah yang mentaqdirkan setiap sesuatu.

Apa pulakk keadaan yg bole guna perkataan 'kalau' nie ?

menggunakannya untuk mengajarkan ilmu, atau kebaikan, atau untuk bercita-cita untuk mendapatkan suatu yg baik. maka ia dibolehkan menyebut ‘kalau’.

sebagaimana dalam quran dan hadis ada perkataan ‘kalau’ untuk mengajar.
-Firman ALlah maksudnya “Kalau di dalamnya (langit dan bumi) ada tuhan lain selain Allah, maka hancur binasalah langit bumi ini.”
-Hadis Nabi dalam menyebut kisah Musa dan Khidir: “Kalau Musa sabar, nescaya ALlah akan menceritakan lagi kepada kita tentang cerita mereka”
aha . sorry saudara , saya mintak copy paste sikit ya . hmm so mcm tu lahh cerita dia . oke , skg aku faham sefaham-fahamnya . korang mcm mane ? ;) so , be careful in ur words yahh :D tata ~!

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

result ?

Assalamualaikum :)

Readers , how are youu doing ? fine ? hope so ;)

Semalam aku ade ternampak satu event kat fb , tajuk dia 'keputusan peperiksaan UiTM' ke apa entah , tapi lebih kurang mcm tu lahh . which brings the meaning yg result exam students UiTM akan keluar tak lama lagi . event tu cakap the date is 10 december 2010 . ohh okay , selamat je bukan 18 dec , huhh lega sikit . tapi why not ek ? ahaks . according to most of the comments , sperti yg dijangkakan , masa 10 dec tu mesti server uitm jammed punye lahh . so instead of tgk result 10 dec , why not aku tgk masa 18 dec je kan ? hopefully bole jd my best birthday gift ever . hope so lahh . ahaa :P plus , masa tu mesti server dah laju gile kan ? teeehee :D
tapi , itu apa yg event tu cakap la , keluar 10 dec . yg sebenarnya aku taktahu la bile . kalau event tu tipu aku , maksudnya aku pun tipu korang lahh . ehehe .

oh yeah , sebenarnya aku ade satu tanda tanya yg besar dlm kepala otak nie . kalau ade sape-sape yg bole tlg jawabkan , tlg lahh oke ? em . yuran utk sem depan , kena bayar manual ke tolak drpada ptptn ya ? ade rumors cakap tolak terus drpd ptptn je . entahla . so is there anyone tat can help me ?

till then . please pray fr my success yeah my friends . i did my best , and now i hope i'll get the best . insyaAllah , amiin ~ take care :D

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Assalamualaikum :)

This entry is specially dedicated to a man that I have known for only a month -_-

This is how we first began being friends . It happened on 20 Oct 2010 , exactly one month ago from today . "ada tyme x men komen2 ? smntara diriku mc on9 nie~ ahahaa "
haa and started from there , and because of his own friendliness , we keep communicating with each other . till now .

Oh ya , aku tak penah kenal dia sebelum nie . dia pun jauh sgt , kami dipisahkan oleh laut china selatan bha . tragis kan ? HAHA :P tapi , taktahu la kenapa , aku senang berkawan dgn dia . dia ada aura kot . mcm X-factor gitu . ahaha . kau jangan nak perasan ok ? :P

From day to day , we start being closer and closer . ohh itu aku la yg rasa , taktahu la apa yg dia rasa . ahaks -_- spend time dgn dia tak lama pun . plg lama pun aku rasa dua tiga jam je satu hari . tak smpai sejam pun ada kdg2 . dia pun busy kan , I know that and I do understand . cewahh :P aku pula skg nie tgh cuti sem , takde keje nak buat . nanti bila naik sem baru , mesti aku pun busy juga -_- but still , aku rasa aku suka close dgn dia . pelik tak ? I don't even know him at all . huhu . aku selalu mcm tak sabar tunggu tengahari . tapi kalau dia tak online tu , hampeh betol :( ahaha . crazzzyyyyyyy !!!! kan kan ? :P :P :P nasib baik jerawat aku degil taknak naik tauu ! :P

He lied to me once . dia memang nak kena ! aku geramm tapi aku tak rasa marah punn . because he did it for a reason . tapi reason dia pelik , tak masuk akal . ahaha :P OK takpe , aku terima :P lagipun benda kecik je . ehehh . jangan kau tipu aku lagi suda lahh , memang aku sembelih kau hidup-hidup . wahhh gangsternya aku ! bahahah :P aku nak kau tahu yg aku taknak kawan dgn org yg perfect je . tapi aku ikhlas kwn dgn kau , baik dan buruk kau , aku terima . sebab masing-masing tak perfect kan ? So do I , aku pun tak perfect . Tats why I want u to be honest . I want to know who u really are , not who you are . aku taknak friendship yg based on lies . I told u once right ? ;) I want an honest friendship . ahh sudahh , aku dah mula touching lahh pulakk . HAHA :P OK STOP IT .

Baru-baru nie , aku kenal dgn adik dia pula . Yup , she is also kind-hearted and I'm so glad to know her :) dia jua sgt peramah , just like her brother . aha :D you know who you are , kan my dear ? ;)

Here , I want to tell everyone that I'm so grateful to know both of them . Yes , it's true tat they are new in my life , but I hope there they will be staying in my heart forever -_- amiiin ~

CLOSENESS resides in the heart . So no matter how busy we are or how far we are , you are always remembered and cared forever ! ;)

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Recipe of Life


Fold two hands together , and express a dash of sorrow
Marinate it overnight , and work on it tomorrow
Chop one grudge in tiny pieces , add several cups of love.
Dredge with a large sized smile , mix with the ingredients above .

Dissolve the hate within you , by doing a good deed
Cut in and help your friend , if he/she should be in need
Stir in laughter , love and kindness , from the heart it has to come
Toss with genuine forgiveness , and give your friends some !
The amount of people served , will depend on you
It can serve the whole wide world , if you really want it to !



P/S : OMG , it is just so true . Don't be hesitate to cook this recipe or else we'll become hungry !
We would only be full of hatred and will not feel secure in life . Do you want that ? OF COURSE NO , isn't it ? Then , let's start cooking ! ;)

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Friday, November 19, 2010


Assalamualaikum :)
I have goals to be achieved ! And one of them is I want to lose weight . But I got to face so many challenges in doing so . In fact , I'm not tat strong to fight with those obstacles .

Everytime I said "don't eat , yaya . control yourself" , then there'll be another voice saying "what a waste if u don't taste it . it's so-verily delicious. C 'on , taste it . Just a little." -___- In addition , I always feel like eating when it comes to midnight . Oh please , I think my stomach has to go to school lahh !

Nahhhh , now can u imagine how hard it is for me to make it real ? Duhhh , please la .
HAHA I know it's my own fault . Yes , I should put the blame on me . I knew it . And now I realised . Cewahhh :P

Okay fine . Now is the time I need to apply what I've learned in MGT .
I already got a goal , which is to lose weight . Then I need to find ways how to work on it . By exercising and controlling my food , maybe . What is next ? Hahhhh ?

OK , RASANYA AKU FAILED . KORANG SAMBUNG SENDIRI OK ? Dan OK lagi , aku rasa cukup lahh apa yg dah aku merepek nie . The main point is , aku nak diet . And tats all ! wink wink ;) doakan aku berjaya ya kawan-kawan :D

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Assalamualaikum :)

HEYYY !! how are you guys ?? heee happy eidul adha yahh !! :) wahhh why is it I put so many exclamation marks eh ? HAHA ! I am feeling excited today , maybe :P WHY ? aha I JUST DON'T KNOW WHY -_-

AHH . anyway , today I start to learn cooking from my mom . and I want to continue learning along my one-and-half-month holidays :D hopefully when my hols comes to the end later , I'd be a new me , someone who knows how to cook well :P I mean , better compare to now lahh . teeheee AMIINN ~

Ohh , I am going to Kuala Lumpur tonight for it's been quite a long time I didn't meet my grandparents , and my relatives too :D so I will be quiet for these two or three days . Don't miss me ya ? ;) Take care guys . I gotta go now . Happy eidul adha ! Taaaa ~!

Yours faithfully ,

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Assalamu'alykum, untuk semua yang guna kenderaan especially yang suka bejalan2 tu, tolong baca ye note ni. Pastu, dah baca tu, peringat2 la family kita ka, kawan2 kita ka. Ingatlah insan tersayang ~
Baru dapat e-mail dari kazen tadi, and I wanna share it with all of you. Please, be more careful on the road.

* * *

Subject: BEWARE - Police warning when driving.!!

Worth Passing On!

This is happening now! Sad, especially if you are inclined to 'help' people...

While driving on a rural end of the roadway on Thursday morning, I saw an infant car seat on the side of the road with a blanket draped over it. For whatever reason, I did not stop, even though I had all kinds of thoughts running through my head. But when I got to my destination, I called the Police and they were going to check it out. But, this is what the Police advised even before they went out there to check....

"There are several things to be aware of ... gangs and thieves are now plotting different ways to get a person (mostly women)to stop their vehicle and get out of the car.

"There is a gang initiation reported by the local Police where gangs are placing a car seat by the road...with a fake baby init...waiting for a woman, of course, to stop and check on the abandoned baby.

"Note that the location of this car seat is usually beside a wooded or grassy (field) area and the person -- woman -- will be dragged into the woods, beaten and raped, and usually left for dead. If it's a man, they're usually beaten and robbed and maybe left for dead, too.





Please talk to your loved ones about this. This is a new tactic used. Please be safe.


Nak Share ke, nak tag ke, just do it. Copy, paste and republish pon tak kesah. =)

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Story of Appreciation

One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.

He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision. The director discovered from the CV, that the youth's academic result is excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never has a year he did not score.

The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarship in school?" and the youth answered "none".

The director asked, " Is it your father pay for your school fees?" the youth answered, my father passed away when I was one year old, it is my mother who paid for my school fees.

The director asked, " Where did your mother worked?" the youth answered, my mother worked as cloth cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hand, the youth showed a pair of hand that is smooth and perfect to the director.

The director asked, " Did you ever help your mother washed the cloth before?" The youth answered, never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books, furthermore, my mother can wash cloths faster than me.

The director said, I had a request, when you go back today, go and help to clean your mother's hand, and then see me tomorrow morning.

The youth felt that its chance of landing the job is high, when he went back, he happily wanted to clean his mother's hand, his mother feel strange, happy but mixed with fear, she showed her hand to the kid.

The youth cleaned his mother's hand slowly, his tear drop down as he did that. It is first time he found his mother's hand is so wrinkled, and there are so many bruises in her hand. Some bruises incites pains so strong that shiver her mother's body when cleaned with water.

This is the first time the youth realized and experienced that it is this pair of hand that washed the cloth everyday to earn him the school fees, the bruises in the mother's hand is the price that the mother paid for his graduation and academic excellence and probably his future.

After finishing the cleaning of his mother hand, the youth quietly cleaned all remaining clothes for his mother.

That night, mother and sons talked for a very long time.

Next morning, the youth went to the director's office

The director noticed the tear in the youth's eye, asked: " Can you tell you what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"

The youth answered, " I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'

The director asked, " please tell me your feeling."

The youth said, Number 1, I knew what is appreciation, without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, I knew how to work together with my mother, then only I can realize how difficult and tough to get something done. Number 3, I knew the importance and value of family relationship.

The director said, " This is what I am asking, I want to recruit a person that can appreciate the help of other, a person that knew the suffering of others to get thing done, and a person that would not put money as his only goal in life to be my manager. You are hired.

Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates, every employees worked diligently and in a team, the company's result improved tremendously.

A child who has been protected and habitually given whatever he did, he developed "entitlement mentality" and always put himself first. He is ignorance of his parent's effort. When he started work, he assumed every people must listen to him, and when he became a manager, he would never know how suffering his employee and always blame others.
For this kind of people, he can have good result, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement, he will grumble and full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parent, did we love the kid or destroy the kid?

You can let your kid lived in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experienced it. After a meal, let them washed their plate and bowl together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parent are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the
mother of that young person.

The most important thing is your kid learn how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learn the ability to work with others to get thing done.

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

last momentos

Assalamualaikum :)

hey kawan-kawan , sehat ? Alhamdulillah , dah habis pun final exam aku utk part one . maka , berehatlah aku kat uma nie sebulan lebih . skg tunggu result nak keluar je . awak semua tlg doakan saya dapat result yg baik ok ? oh ya , result UPSR syaheeda , my younger sister dah keluar . alhamdulillah , she got 3As 2Bs . huaa gonna miss all my friends kat sane . mcm banyak nie benda aku nak cite kat korang . all these happened few days before i left my campus -_-

hehe . dah nak balik nie , couples , scandals sume amik kesempatan nak dating . biase la , nnt kang rindu lak lama tak jumpa . muka masing-masing mcm org hilang laki bini . oh , memang pun eh ? AHAKS :P kat UPK tu la tempat favourite . huhu . spend time utk kali terakhir la nie . yg couple dgn senior part six lagi lahh gila meroyan , terus tak jumpe dah lepas nie . alahai , macam la sorang duk london sorang duk bangladesh . nnt dah hbs blaja , g terus masuk meminang ya ? yg scandal2 tu , takpayah la sedih sgt . kang korang balik kampung , g lahh jumpe bf gf korang . huhu . aku ? HAHA mcm la korang taktau :D happy sangat nak balik , tak sabar nak jumpe BFs && GFs dunia akhirat :)

As u all know , aku punya exam mgt 11 november kan . so , aku balik kampus mase tu ptg selasa , 9hb . aku taktau lak level aku tu semakin takde air . so , malam tu mandi aku burn je :D :D :/ besok paginya , terpaksa la mandi kat level bawah . tak selesa sgt . apa-apa pun , aku rasa tandas aku jugak terbaik . hujan emas negeri orang , hujan batu negeri sendiri , lebih baik negeri sendiri kann . hehe . tapi dah terpaksa nak buat cmne . so go on jelahh .

omg . besok exam . for sure ramai yg akan beratur pagi-pagi nak mandi . and it's really tiring . so , instead of doing so , malam tu aku ngan kawan-kawan tadah air pili bomba je . eka lahh yg start dulu . hee dia cakap norul ada bgtau , mandi pakai air tu je . so kitorang pun dgn pantas amik baldi and isi air tu . lagi-lagi , paip tu betol2 kat luar bilik kitorang je . lepas tu angkat n bwk masuk dlm toilet aku yg takde air tu . so on the 11th november , takpayah la rush nak g mandi , beratur panjang-panjang kan ? :P hehe . and yuppy , mmg takde org langsung pagi tu . HAHA happy sungguh mandi begitu . walaupun air tak terjamin bersih ke tak , tapi kire halal je la . darurat -_- err kami minta maaf ya terambil air kat situ . insyaAllah kalau air dah ade , kami tak buat lagi . kami bukan budak jahat . keadaan yg memaksa


HAHA ini lahh air rebusan mgt . aku dah minum ;)korang bile lagi ? heee
al-kisahhhhh ~
malam before exam mgt , aku dgn kawan-kawan study studo la kann . tapi entahla , masing-masing mcm dah malas sgt nak baca buku . semua dah fikir nak balik , nak habis exam agaknye . biase la last paper kan ? then taktau la mcm mane start , eka cabar aku rebus buku mgt aku tu . aku pun ape lg , koyakkan bab communication and then amik air kat toilet , and then rebus la . tika dgn yana lak saje nak panaskan aku , dorang tak habis-habis 'eleh eleh' ngan aku . wohoo jangan cuba cabar yaya yaaa . ingat aku tak berani ke ? ceiitt -_-
lepas aku dah tekan button masak tu , dorang tak puas hati lagi . dorang nak suro aku minum pulak . hehe no problem la . org kata bole pandai kan kalau minum air buku tu ? Haaaaa itu semua dusta , korang semua jangan percaya . propaganda semata-mata tauuuu . aku dah minum , aku dah rasa . memang sedap , tapi aku rasa makin bangang ade lahh . HAHA

Harap maaf , jangan salah faham . aku bukan la org yang pantang dicabar . sikit tu ade la KOT . tapi dlm kes nie , actually mmg aku teringin nak buat . saja, for fun . kan stress asyik baca buku je . hehe . so why not cuba apa yg kite belum pernah buat kan ? ;) korang pun patut cuba . HAKHAK. tapi jangan nak harap korang bole jadi pandai lepas minum air tu ya :D

entahla . sangat menguji kesabaran aku . nasib baik masa org tu check takde apa-apa masalah . penat sgt and aku janji sem depan aku taknak buat clearance . hmm . nasib baik aku sayang korang tauuu !!!!!!! -______-

Girls gays ,
seriously aku rindu momentos kite sama-sama . sebulan lebih aku takde sape nak tanya "kaw kena berapa?" bile kite makan tengahari kat kafe . takde sape aku nak gosip-gosip . takde sape nak stay up ngan aku malam-malam pastu kena sound dgn tika . banyak lagi lahh . i'm gonna miss youu . hopefully apa yg sukma cakap , kite still duk sama-sama tu semuanya fakta dan bukan propaganda . cewahhh . hee
tapi madie .. hurmm .. our background sound .. i'm so sorry . taktahu mase tu kaw belum daftar kolej . kalau aku tau , for sure aku dah suro kau daftar , syg :( sedih sangat-sangat . we are sorry ~ -_____-

Dearest friends , jaga diri korang baik-baik tau . aku nak nnt aku jumpe korang lagi , korang sehat walafiat . taknak ade yg patah riuk ke apa ke . taknak ade yg kurang . okay ? tak sabar nak jumpe korang lagi . we'll meet again , insyaAllah .

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

three years ago in memory

Assalamualaikum :)
(jawab jangan tak jawab)

Boggy ,

baru aku teringat yang khamis nie , aku ade exam mgt anddddddd result UPSR keluar . my younger sister ade sorang amik UPSR . wish all the best for her . and lg sorang younger sister tu pun ade amik exam besar gak tahun nie , PMR . cakap pasal PMR , aku teringat zaman dolu-dolu .

It happened three years ago . masa tu aku PMR lahh . bulan sepuluh kan korang ? tak ingat lahh berapa haribulan . masa aku PMR tu , abg maien sakit demam denggi . hmm dia kena dekat KL . dia kena duduk kat Hospital Ampang Puteri , lama jugak lahh . so mama and family yg lain semua pegy KL . tinggal lahh aku sorang kat JB nie . selama seminggu exam tu , aku duduk kat uma nazihah . haa ingat lagi mase tu time puasa , bulan ramadhan .

sedih la jugak kot time exam mama and ayah takde by my side . tapi i knew doa diorang always with me . kan mama ayah ? hmm . tapi everyday mama call aku . so kurang lahh touching . cehhh :P plus, aku rasa family nazihah welcomed me well . thanks a lot makcik and pakcik sebab tolong jaga saya . saya takkan lupa sampai bile-bile . semoga Allah merahmati mu . Amiiin ~

Plus , ada rahmat juga nie rasanya . Since aku duduk sana , bole lahh aku blaja sama-sama dengan nazihah . ape yg aku taktau , tanya dia . dia budak pandai :) aku sayang sangat dgn kau , nazihah . aku nak kau selalu kuat dalam meneruskan hidup , mcm mana aku sentiasa cuba utk jadi kuat dlm meneruskan hidup aku . aku nak kita sama-sama usaha yg terbaik utk berjaya dalam hidup . ok sayang ? i will never let u down . trust me . i always be there by your side . find me whenever u need me and insyaAllah i'll try my best to help you , my dear .

And alhamdulillah , result PMR aku dapat exactly dengan apa yg aku target . aku mmg nak straight A's , tapi aku tak target itu according to apa yg aku dah jawab . aku memang tau aku takbole achieve straight A's tu . ahaks . sedar diri kan aku ? -_-

Yang pasal abg maien tu , alhamdulillah umurnya dipanjangkan . mungkin berkat doa drpd semua orang , bulan ramadhan lagi kan . alhamdulillah , syukur teramat syukur . kalau tak , taktau la ape jadi . hmmmm -______- semoga kita semua diberkati Allah di dunia dan di akhirat sana . aku nak sangat jumpa lagi the whole family aku kat syurga nanti , hidup bahagia kat sana pulakk . Amiiiinn .

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

forum ketika cinta bertasbih

Assalamualaikum :)

hey baby boggy , how are youu ? ;)
wahhh what a tiring day , man . penat sangat nie . FYI , harini ade forum ketika cinta bertasbih kat Dewan Suasana , Hotel Selesa , Pasir Gudang , JB . Talkshow dgn performance sikit from Muadz Dzulkefly (penyanyi hadith) dgn ibunya , Ibu Lin . How wonderful they are . Heee

Sebenarnya forum tu start dari pukul dua lahh kot . Tapi disebabkan gerak lambat sikit , kitorang sampai pukul dua lebih . Aku drive satu kereta , abg maien drive satu kereta . Al maklong lahh alphard kitorang dah nazak . wakaaka :P

Sampai2 je muadz tgh nyanyi . he is such a funny man tauuu :D then few minutes lepas tu , ibu lin start forum . ibu lin pulakk such a very dedicated motivator . dia buat kitorang realise tentang banyaaaakkkk benda . hmm . tentang cinta , tentang kasih sayang , and macam-macam lagi . kata dia , first of all kita kena cari cinta Allah , then Allah yg akan sampaikan pada kite seseorang yg juga sama , yg tgh mencari cintaNYA . tak payah kite susah-payah nak cari sape yg the best utk kite , takpayah nak rasa kite kekurangan sesuatu bile kite takde boyfriend , takde girlfriend . sebab Allah dah ciptakan utk kite seseorang dari jenis kita sendiri . haaa by hearing that , aku rasa relieve sangat . sangat tak rugi datang forum tu tau :)

Ini lagi satu part yg aku suka . ibu cakap , dekat rumah kite kena slalu dekat dengan parents . parents yg baik pulak bukan parents yg didik anak-anak dengan kasar , ganas . bile cakap 'ayah sayang awak , mak sayang awak' tapi muka garang , mata terjengil mcm nak keluar . NO , that's a wrong way of showing your love towards your children .
parents should treat their children just like their friends , and same goes to the children . alangkah bahagianya bile ada family yg mcm nie . yg bole share everything tanpa ada batasan . Seronok bile dengar ibu cerita pasal family dia . Anak-anak yg semuanya berjaya , menantu-menantu yg very loving , macam-macam lagi lahh .

Haa one more thing , ibu cerita pasal remaja yg kawen awal . still blaja , but dah kawen . ibu cakap no problem , as long as dia dah betul2 ready nak kawen and pikul tanggungjawab . ibu cakap bagus sebab this is one of the ways utk prevent masalah sosial yg makin teruk skg . yup , i totally agree with her . kaum adam pulak , kena lahh gentleman bile nak kawen tu . amik hati mertua semua . teeeheeee i like that part ! ;)

Wahaaaa sedar-sedar je dah pukul lima lebih . habis forum je semua pegy solat sebelum balik . hujann . korang kat jb , petang tadi hujan kann ? uhhh ingatkan hujan biase je . sekali lebat selebat-lebatnya daaaaaa . takut . gelap . dah la masetu dah nak maghrib . haa honestly cuak tu adelahh sikit . hee tawakal je lahh semoga takde pape yang buruk berlaku . and alhamdulillah , aku sampai dengan selamat :)

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Friday, November 5, 2010


Assalamualaikum -_-

Boggyyyyyyy !!!

Haahhhhh awak apa khabar ? baru satu hari saya tinggal awak , saya dah mula rindu sama awak tauuu -_- ceeiittt HAHA

HEYY dah dua hari aku balik uma , dan aku belum sentuh lagi buku MGT ! Oh My Godddd , aku dah agak dahhhh . Teeeheee -.-

Tengok lahh kalau aku rajin kott malam ni ke aku start buka buku ya . hee doakan aku menjadi seorang pelajar yg rajin yaaa !


awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Assalamualaikum ..

Bloggie ,

dah pagi-pagi buta ni aku takbole nak tido la pulak . hmm . dah terbiase tido lambat kot kat kampus , lagi-lagi tgh musim final exam ni . heyy kau rindu aku tak bloggie sayang ? eh aku nak tukar nama kau la , Boggy bole ? haha sedap kan ? kalo tak sedap pun sukahati aku lahh :P

Boggy (haha) ,
kadang-kadang bile aku duduk sorang-sorang kan , rase bosan sangat . especially time-time mcm ni la . haaaa . sunyi sepi . bosan . bile aku kat kampus , takde la bosan sangat , ade kawan-kawan . bile siang kat rumah tak bosan , ade mama ayah n siblings yg lain , kalo dorang ade la . bosan . faham takk ?? tapi nak buat mcm mane , blum sampai orang yg bole hilangkan bosan aku . urh !!

Boggy .....
mcm mane ni ? aku tau la aku dah terbiase , aku tak kesah sangat , tapi kadang-kadang tu terasa sangat sehh :(

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

final . final .

Assalamualaikum :)

Haihhh , tak perasan pun yg it's been a month since last i updated my blog . Hee tiba-tiba muncul rase rindu nak menaip . Aku quite busy lahh these days . Aku kan tgh final exam skg . Nak dekan bole tak ? ;)

Ahh anyway , how are you guys ? Feeling well ? For those yg sama ngan aku tgh exam tu , korang ok ke tak ? Bole jawab dgn elok ? cehhh dah mcm ape la pulak . hakhak .
FYI , aku tinggal satu paper je . tadi baru habis paper math . kat sekolah agama tauuu ! HAHA :D Ahhh kalau dh math tu math la jugak , mane bole lari drpd careless mistakes . hee aku terlupa formula tadi . so sad , tapi laagi la so malas nak fikir balik . buat pening je kan ? :D
Emm next paper 11 nov , next week . paper management (mgt). AHA wish me all the best ok ?

Hmmm ..
sedar tak sedar aku dah nak habis sem satu pun rupanya . lepas hbs paper mgt , dh bukan student part one lahh aku eh ? haiyoo . hopefully takde yg failed , takde yg cukup2 mkn. i want the best for my result sbb i did my very best . Amiiin . I know Allah will help me . kan ? Takutnyaaaaa -___- tapi tak sabar nak tgk result exam through online for the first time . HAHA ! I'm the jakun girl , mannnn :P and hopefully lahh it'll make me happy . Grrrr .

Ahh . hopefully juga my soulmates kat sini yg dah dekat half year jadi my roomates , my classmates n my group members tu still be mine . Hopefully we'll stay together tauu . AHA banyak betul hope :P Love you dears , so deep in my heart .

Opss . Nak siap2 balik kampungku tercinta ni . hee . till then readers <3 take care :) TATA ~

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)