Dear Followers :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hello, 1st April.


Hello, 1st April.

What a start of the day. I woke up late for work. Kahh.

Hello, GST!

I've been nervous waiting for you to start being implemented since yesterday. Dah macam nervous nak tunggu result exam. Kept thinking of what's gonna happen after the implementation today. Dah fikir macam-macam dah ni.

After all, we can do nothing unless to face it. Knew it from the start that 2015 is gonna be a tougher year for us all. Sedikit demi sedikit mula terasa ke'tough'annya. Heh. Kalau mulut ikut bising complaint here and there, aku tak fikir boleh mengubah apa-apa. Melainkan, kena hadap jugak.

Senyum dan tak perlu kata apa-apa.
Life is so much better if we stop complaining, inshaa Allah.
Rakyat marhaen macam kita pun ada rezekinya dari Allah. Percayalah.
Inshaa Allah.

awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)