02 HARI.
Cinta ini
Jangan disia-siakan.
Cinta ini
Kita jaga hingga ke akhirnya.
Cinta ini
Kita bawa sampai ke Sana.
Cinta ini
Moga Allah redha.
Nervous macam hape je!
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
03 HARI.
Baik engkau,
Baik aku,
Tiada yang sempurna.
Tetapi aku harap
"KITA" akan menuju kesempurnaan
Dah agak dah.
Hectic week.
Tak sabar nak selesai.
May Allah ease!!
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Baik engkau,
Baik aku,
Tiada yang sempurna.
Tetapi aku harap
"KITA" akan menuju kesempurnaan
Dah agak dah.
Hectic week.
Tak sabar nak selesai.
May Allah ease!!
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
04 HARI.
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat datang dalam setiap hariku.
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat merasa setiap manjaku.
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat terima setiap lemahku.
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat mencintaiku apa adanya aku.
Ya Allah, mudahkanlah.
Ya Allah, lancarkanlah.
Ya Allah, berkatilah.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat datang dalam setiap hariku.
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat merasa setiap manjaku.
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat terima setiap lemahku.
Bakal suamiku,
Selamat mencintaiku apa adanya aku.
Ya Allah, mudahkanlah.
Ya Allah, lancarkanlah.
Ya Allah, berkatilah.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Monday, August 24, 2015
05 HARI.
Tiada yang bisa
Mengisi ruang di hati
Aku mohon jangan pergi
Jiwa ini perlu kamu, Sayang.
Minggu ni ulang alik Skudai - Masai lah nampaknya.
Jom kita packing goodiessssss!
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Tiada yang bisa
Mengisi ruang di hati
Aku mohon jangan pergi
Jiwa ini perlu kamu, Sayang.
Minggu ni ulang alik Skudai - Masai lah nampaknya.
Jom kita packing goodiessssss!
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Saturday, August 22, 2015
07 HARI.
adalah rahsia Allah.
juga rahsia Allah.
Sudah tertulis di luh mahfuz
tentang semua takdir kita.
Hanya Tuhan yang bisa menentukan.
Hai. Hari ini Sabtu.
Saya kerja half day.
Harini nak pulun settle kan apa yang patut.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
adalah rahsia Allah.
juga rahsia Allah.
Sudah tertulis di luh mahfuz
tentang semua takdir kita.
Hanya Tuhan yang bisa menentukan.
Hai. Hari ini Sabtu.
Saya kerja half day.
Harini nak pulun settle kan apa yang patut.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Friday, August 21, 2015
08 HARI.
You are not just my friend
You are my love.
You are not just my love
You are my heart.
You are not just my heart
You are my life.
You are not just my life
You are my everything.
Esok hujung minggu terakhir sebagai seorang bujang.
Tanggungjawab ayah nak habis dah.
Lepasni semuanya tergalas atas bahu si suami.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
You are not just my friend
You are my love.
You are not just my love
You are my heart.
You are not just my heart
You are my life.
You are not just my life
You are my everything.
Esok hujung minggu terakhir sebagai seorang bujang.
Tanggungjawab ayah nak habis dah.
Lepasni semuanya tergalas atas bahu si suami.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Thursday, August 20, 2015
09 HARI.
Make sure
you marry someone
who laughs
at the same thing
you do.
Single number dah.
Berdebar tak payah cakap la.
This is something that will change my life 360 degrees.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Make sure
you marry someone
who laughs
at the same thing
you do.
Single number dah.
Berdebar tak payah cakap la.
This is something that will change my life 360 degrees.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
10 HARI.
You don't marry
the person
you can live with..
You marry
the person
you can't live without.
Bila nak kahwin?
Minggu depan.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
You don't marry
the person
you can live with..
You marry
the person
you can't live without.
Bila nak kahwin?
Minggu depan.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
11 HARI.
The happiest people
do not have
the best of everything.
just make
the best of everything.
May Allah ease!!!
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
The happiest people
do not have
the best of everything.
just make
the best of everything.
May Allah ease!!!
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Monday, August 17, 2015
12 HARI.
I don't need a
perfect one.
I just need
who can make me feel that
I am the only one.
Hari ini hari Isnin.
Allah, ini hujung minggu terakhir aku sebagai tanggungan Mama dan Ayah.
Hari Sabtu depan aku bakal menjadi seorang isteri kepada seorang Faizal.
Jika diizinkan Allah, inshaa Allah.
Allah, permudahkanlah.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
I don't need a
perfect one.
I just need
who can make me feel that
I am the only one.
Hari ini hari Isnin.
Allah, ini hujung minggu terakhir aku sebagai tanggungan Mama dan Ayah.
Hari Sabtu depan aku bakal menjadi seorang isteri kepada seorang Faizal.
Jika diizinkan Allah, inshaa Allah.
Allah, permudahkanlah.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Friday, August 14, 2015
15 HARI.
Sharing a life together
is sharing steps in time.
The music is different
to each of us,
but how beautiful
the dance.
Alhamdulillah, the final result has been announced.
Alhamdulillah, I am unofficially graduated from Bachelor in Business Administration (hons.) Finance.
Can't wait for the convocation day.
This time, he will attend the ceremony as my husband.
Inshaa Allah.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Sharing a life together
is sharing steps in time.
The music is different
to each of us,
but how beautiful
the dance.
Alhamdulillah, the final result has been announced.
Alhamdulillah, I am unofficially graduated from Bachelor in Business Administration (hons.) Finance.
Can't wait for the convocation day.
This time, he will attend the ceremony as my husband.
Inshaa Allah.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Thursday, August 13, 2015
16 HARI.
is a long time.
But I wouldn't mind spending it
by your side.
I really am looking forward for our honeymoon.
Tioman Island,
wait for us and witness our love!
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
is a long time.
But I wouldn't mind spending it
by your side.
I really am looking forward for our honeymoon.
Tioman Island,
wait for us and witness our love!
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
17 HARI.
Marriage is a
Hold together by a glue called
May Allah ease.
There are times that I feel sad because I can't get all I want.
Perasaan serba-salah tak pernah menyenangkan.
Terkadang risau juga apa orang kata.
Tapi this is for once in a lifetime.
Ah pi lantaklah.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Marriage is a
Hold together by a glue called
May Allah ease.
There are times that I feel sad because I can't get all I want.
Perasaan serba-salah tak pernah menyenangkan.
Terkadang risau juga apa orang kata.
Tapi this is for once in a lifetime.
Ah pi lantaklah.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
18 HARI.
Relationships last long
not because they were destined to last.
But because
two brave people
made a choice to keep it,
fight for it,
to work for it.
Last night meeting pasal walimah dengan Mama, Ayah n kak Nab.
Alhamdulillah, dah discuss few things yang belum settle.
Dah delegate tugas masing-masing untuk follow up dengan third parties.
Doakan semoga semuanya berjalan lancar.
May Allah ease. Amin.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Relationships last long
not because they were destined to last.
But because
two brave people
made a choice to keep it,
fight for it,
to work for it.
Last night meeting pasal walimah dengan Mama, Ayah n kak Nab.
Alhamdulillah, dah discuss few things yang belum settle.
Dah delegate tugas masing-masing untuk follow up dengan third parties.
Doakan semoga semuanya berjalan lancar.
May Allah ease. Amin.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Monday, August 10, 2015
19 HARI.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Once in a while
In the middle of an ordinary life
Love gives us a
Hmm. The day is getting closer. Setiap kali fikir, hati berdebar. Haha.
Hanya mampu berdoa semoga semua dipermudahkan.
Setiap kali jumpa Abang, masing-masing cakap "Tinggal __ hari je.."
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Friday, August 7, 2015
22 HARI.
I like when you smile
I love it
when I am the reason.
Oit tak lama lagi lepasni tinggal belas-belas hari je.
Everyday I wake up in the morning, I ask myself, like seriously you're going to be a wife, Hidayah?
NERVOUS and takut gila! Haih
I hope everything is going to be fine. Inshaa Allah.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
I like when you smile
I love it
when I am the reason.
Oit tak lama lagi lepasni tinggal belas-belas hari je.
Everyday I wake up in the morning, I ask myself, like seriously you're going to be a wife, Hidayah?
NERVOUS and takut gila! Haih
I hope everything is going to be fine. Inshaa Allah.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Thursday, August 6, 2015
23 HARI.
I give my hand to you
with all my heart.
I can't wait to live my life
with you,
I can't wait to start.
May Allah ease.
No much time left and there are still a few things unsettled.
Worry :(
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
I give my hand to you
with all my heart.
I can't wait to live my life
with you,
I can't wait to start.
May Allah ease.
No much time left and there are still a few things unsettled.
Worry :(
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
24 HARI.
You are my
every reason,
every hope
every dream
I have ever had.
No matter what happens to us in the future,
everyday we are together
is the greatest day of my life.
I will always be yours.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
You are my
every reason,
every hope
every dream
I have ever had.
No matter what happens to us in the future,
everyday we are together
is the greatest day of my life.
I will always be yours.
May Allah ease.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
25 HARI.
I love you
For all that you are
All that you have been
All you are yet to be.
May Allah ease. Amin.
Dah mula banyak berfikir untuk majlis. Kadang-kadang rasa excited. Kadang-kadang rasa stress. Yang sebenarnya, penat. Tak sabar nak selesai majlis.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
I love you
For all that you are
All that you have been
All you are yet to be.
May Allah ease. Amin.
Dah mula banyak berfikir untuk majlis. Kadang-kadang rasa excited. Kadang-kadang rasa stress. Yang sebenarnya, penat. Tak sabar nak selesai majlis.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
Monday, August 3, 2015
26 HARI.
From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter
My arms will be your home.
P/s: No #countdown post during weekends.
May Allah ease. May Allah bless.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter
My arms will be your home.
P/s: No #countdown post during weekends.
May Allah ease. May Allah bless.
awak tolong LIKE ya ? :)
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